Welcome to the Automotive Salvage Yards listings for Iowa. We look to list any automotive related salvage yard in the US. Listings are human approved before publishing and the directory is manually edited. For a limited time we are offering free listings. Eventually we will start charging $25.00 per listing/update to cover our time and effort. Please see the submission details near the bottom of this document if you are interested in acquiring a listing.
Automotive Salvage Yards in...
Car Country Auto Wrecking
2713 Highway 14, South @ I-80
Newton, IA 50208
ph: 641-792-8854
Acquiring a Listing at Automotive Salvage Yards:
If you have an automotive (including trucks & motorcycles) related salvage yard and are interested in being listed on AutomotiveSalvageYards.com, please contact Doug Peters. Be sure to include your link title, the hyperlink and your listing description as well as your complete address and phone number (with area code).
We originally setup this site with an automated regional directory, but that software wasn't up to the task. Hence, we are starting over and will be updating these listings on static pages until such time as we find a more appropriate solution for a regional business directory platform.
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